i think every girl should have three pairs of high heels.
my favourite colour changes every single day.
i will always have a love for bread.
in my brain, orchids are the most romantic thing eveeeeer.
i could stand outside in the rain for hours.
sometimes i wish i had a really big vocabulary.
i have dreams of my first car being a "VW' bug.[yes please.]
i will splurge on J. Crew one day.
when i'm older, i will run around my house in my
*gasp* undies.
i love eating breakfast for lunch, lunch for dinner, and dinner for breakfast.
i've been scared of the dark since i was like four years old.
i secretly want to be on 'The Biggest Loser'.
i hope to always have good neighbours. and be a good neighbour too.
i loathe talking on the phone.
i plan on crying when i actually get to go to a "John Mayer' concert.
if i ever have an early morning job i will have to set twenty alarms to wake myself up.