Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Helllo jolly day.

Wednesday is here again.
I decided we would be the best of friends.
It's going to be a brilliant time i'm sure.

Big lellow bus ride today.
Off to a track meet.
I get to
wear spandex
and have a jolly good time.
Can't complain about that.

My little bro woke up to cupcakes and a birthday hunt.
I've come to the conclusion that birthdays in our house can't just be birthdays.
The kind you'll always remember.
We tend to go overload sometimes.
Like staying up till one in the morning.
So much to do.

I'm smiling at a big blue sky right now.
I am in love with you blue sky.
Please stay with me today.

I'm off.
Hope you all have a darling day.
miss tandy

to the little boy turning nine(you are all mine.)

Little boy,


You have rad hair.
Uh-mazing lego builder.
A snazzy attitude towards life.
A joy to be with.
It's cute how you argue about StarWars with me.(i know i'm right.)
I love when you sneak in my bed early in the morning.
You play hockey like a king.
One of my favorite memories was reading the book "five minutes peace" to you over and over again. It was rather hilarious.
It's adorable when you make those little sounds when you play.
You have your own theme song.
You can draw.
Your style is nothing but delightful.
And you have darling eyes.

I kind of LOVE you a lot.

Yours, MissTandy

Monday, March 29, 2010

birthday girl♥

This is Franny.
It's her birthday today.


You are the most snazziest little sister in the history of little sisters.
No doubt.
And i'm so glad you are mine.
You make me happy.
And did i mention you are really really beautiful.
You are.
(like a lot)
Hope you have a very delightful day.
Liv it up.
(cause you only have your birthday every 365 days.)

Saturday, March 27, 2010


i love my cheerios
with all my

and that's all i have to say.

Thursday, March 25, 2010 love.

Hello day.
How do you do?

I felt hilariously funny.
And i liked it.
A lot.

Me and my cheerios had a date today.

I walked with my seesters.
It was cold.
I hated it. Loved it. Laughed about it.
But i think i mostly loved it.

Mr.thrift store and i met too. In fact we met twice this week. And guess who now owns a little dandy lellow teapot. I do. It's darling. You should see it.(i might just post a picture for you.)♥

RedBox and i are falling in love. Even though sometimes the darn little DVD's don't always work.(like tonight) I still love you redbox. A lot. I could have a party there....yes please.

Hope you have a heck of a week.
miss tandy

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

he ♥'s me. i♥him.

I spent the day with this little boy.
He is totally rad.

The End.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

delightful little me

purple dress.
blue sweater.
james blunt.
=me and my day.
delightful wouldn't you say?♥

Letters To Crushes

I kind of think this little site is delightful.♥

Here's some of my favorites:

♥i know you like hai-
-kus. i'm not very good, but
i'm trying for you.♥

♥getting the guts to talk to you was one of the best decisions i've ever made.♥

♥I could of sworn i loved you in the 6th grade. Fell to pieces when yous witched schools. Found you again, and would reroute my walk to classes just to see you. Heard of you through friends of friends. And right now you're laying next to me 6 years later. It was worth it.♥

♥I could of stood there in the sunshine talking to you about turtles for hours.♥

You should give it a little look. It will be loverly. I promise.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hello spring, i just met you but i already love you♥

It's spring.
Can you believe it?
It's finally here.
I've been waiting and waiting and waiting...

Yesterday i ran around in my swimsuit and a darling sunhat. (yes, i love sunhats with all my heart.) I danced in the road, sat on a fence, did some swinging, smiled, enjoyed the sun.
My day was that good.

I think if
asked me to
marry him
i would
That's how much i love this weather.

I hope you and "spring" meet this weekend.
Happy day dears.
Love from,
Ms.Tandy(and spring)

Saturday, March 20, 2010


and i'm falling in love with it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

just another day, that wasn't just another day♥


I was successful at keeping my oatmeal in the pan.

I smiled.

I got a package in the mail that just so happened to make my week.
(all thanks to a boy named Davey. He is a rad boy, a very rad boy.)

I skyped with Somwell. It made me happy. It's funny how you can laugh with someone on the other side of the world. I LOVE SKYPE WITH ALL MY HEART.

I ran today. Seven miles. Twenty-eight laps. One hour.

I saw sunshine today.

I didn't feel so good but now i feel better.


now i'm off to watch P.S. i love you. I heard it was a good movie. We will see.

Hope you had a darling day.
Yours, MissTandy

I ran for that guy.

was today.

One hour.
twenty-eight laps.
Seven miles.

Davey Rose.

much loved

Thursday, March 18, 2010


doing a little project
over at her
{it's darling if i do say so myself}
She is interviewing all
of her dear friends.
I was so happy to be a part of it.

Take a looksie.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010



{i can feel spring in the air.}

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I am so completely happy.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

You should probably know...

...we had snow yesterday.
but than it melted.

it's true

right now...

i am simply happy with myself.

papa and my little brother are making toast.
i'm wearing a striped sweater.
it's a bit cold here.
i think oatmeal sounds good for breakfast.

in a little bit...

i will still be happy with myself.

papa and my little brother will be done their toast.
i wont be wearing this striped sweater.
it will still be cold.
i will most likely overflow my breakfast.

(cause i always do.)


Saturday, March 6, 2010

simply happy with myself

This was


I liked me today.

Friday, March 5, 2010

i'm waiting for you...

I am dying for summer.
I want to wear little dresses and run around barefoot in the sunshine all day.
I want to climb trees, have grass fights, and cloud surf.

Please come quick.

love from... Ms.Tandy

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

it happened...again.

{Photo via}

It just so happened to be another simply snazzy day.

reasons why:

  1. sunshine.
  2. i woke up and instantly new it was going to be a good hair day.
  3. i overflowed my oatmeal.
  4. ran around barefoot.
  5. wrote letters.
  6. laughed.
  7. danced when no one was watching.{shh.}
  8. cloud surfed.
  9. ate a 'just jelly' sandwich
  10. and felt like superman{well, not quite.}
hope your day was as happy as mine.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

sometimes you just know.

This morning,
i woke up.

Cause i know today will be a good day.

Monday, March 1, 2010

my lovely little saturday

i've been a lame blogger lately.
you can probably tell.
i promise to try to be better this week.
for sure.

saturday was just what i might call extraordinarily dandy.
i loved it.
a visit to the tea shop made me smile.we came across an amazing bridge on a little walk through downtown.
so we took pictures.
and got some weird looks.
but i liked it anyway.
and last was red robin.
i love that place.
the food.
all the decorations on the ceiling.
and even the waiter that got mad because we kept asking for more fries.
endless fries is suppose to mean endless fries right?
that obviously wasn't in his mind though.
i hope you all had one snazzy week.
start it off with a smile.