Friday, April 30, 2010

me and jackson 5

Hi lovelies.

Life is delightful.
Ria found a snazzy dress at the thrift store today.
(i bet you'll be jealous when you see it.)
I made pancakes for lunch.(breakfast for lunch is always nice.)
Went running.
Spent time with my little brother.
Made some banana smoothies.(yummo.)
i listened to this.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

from the girl with a pink bow in her hair

Today was uh-mazing.
Thought you should know.


Little miss me

It's a happy day today. I can tell. And i like it.

The sky is beautiful right now.

I got a letter in the mail.

And everybody is smiling.

I'm rather happy.


Was dandy if i do say so myself.

Track meet.
Music in my ears.
Running around barefoot.
Chocolate shakes.

Hope you have a beautiful day like me.

miss tandy

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

lellow like the sun

Going on a big lellow bus.





miss tandy

Monday, April 26, 2010

half of my heart

dear lovelies,
hope all is beautiful.

i'm trying my hardest to make my week a good one.
{but sometimes it's hard}
just remember to smile and all will get better.

long day.
i'm ready for it to be over.

i am dying for the sun to come visit. please.

listening to john mayer.
(half of my heart)♥

i think i'll go do some laundry now.
even though i hate laundry.
it's weird, cause i actually want to.


Friday, April 23, 2010

on my way. . .


is me and my seesters on a big lellow bus.
All the way to
Coos Bay.
It's going to be smashing.

.the smell of the ocean.
.track meet.

i already LOVE it all.♥

Hope you have a seriously uh-mazing day.

miss tandy

Thursday, April 22, 2010


If you don't already know:

I am a gnome lover.

Did i ever tell you that?

When i'm older
i'm gonna have a whole lot of gnomes in my front yard.
And it's going to be oh so rad.


The End.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

this and that

my blogging skills have gone down the drain lately. goodness.
here is a little mumbo jumbo of everything...

soccer. sunburns. and striped green dress.

the weekend was oh so good. i went to a little bbq with bell. it felt like we were in a "Napoleon Dynamite" movie. seriously. take a look here.

ria brought Starbucks home yesterday. it was most definitely delightful. believe it or not, she got me exactly what i wanted without me even telling here. that's how talented she really is.*wink*

reminder for me:
tandy, don't forget to put on sunscreen.

letters are being written today. i have o so many to write. i rather enjoy it though. so why complain?

and right now:

i have a hankering to watch "The Walton's"
i want to play tennis
and i wish i had a pie sitting in the kitchen.

(it's rather disappointing)

hope you all are having a terrific week.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I adore you summer with all my heart.
It's true.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

it's a known fact...

...everything polka dot fits me.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i can make a heart with my hands

i liked tuesday.
a lot.

track meet.
who can complain about running around barefoot.
jumping over hurdles.
being completely happy.
just cause.

maybe even a little dancing.

and right now i feel like some stargazing.
doesn't that just sound delightful?
yes please.

hope you have a beautiful week.

popping the balloon. . .

he had his heart set on doing nothing but that this morning.
it was rather hilarious.

i love my little brother.

Monday, April 12, 2010

josiah james

Josiah James and i are friends now.
I smile.
I dance with him.
Sometimes i even move my head side to side.
He is pretty rad.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


This is my daddy.
He is pretty rad.
Wouldn't you say?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

i liiike

my lately

bus ride


track meet

tired legs


sitting in car parks



music talk

another bus ride

eating cold chinese food sitting on the kitchen floor




mismatched socks

and me

what's your lately?

Friday, April 9, 2010

friday loveliness
ria(find her here). flowers. and waterfalls.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Thursday my LOVE is for:
a little sweetie pie. tea parties. and "OneDay Without Shoes".

Do it.

All day.

See here.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

dear Jimmy Needham,

would you please marry me?
{cause i think Tandy Needham sounds pretty rad.}

miss tandy♥


on wednesday i love:
homemade cookies. race day. and that little boy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Tuesday LOVES:
.big eyes. package from afrika. and my french seester.

Monday, April 5, 2010


my LOVES of the day:
the sky. my purple converse. and tea.♥

Saturday, April 3, 2010


"Smile :) Jesus died to save you from an eternity burning in hell for all of your sins and evil ways! :) HAPPY EASTER!"

-From a boy named nate

the little letters to...somethings

to the sun:
we are done playing hide and go seek.
really, we are.

to my cold feet:
i dislike you(a lot).

to the girl who made lunch:

to the penguins talking with english accents on the television right now:
you are really dumb.

to the boy in the green shirt who's watching the penguins talking with english accents on the television right now:
you are kind of darling.

to my hair:
why did you have to give me such a hard time this morning?

to spring:
you are invited to my house today.

to all the letters i need to write:
i'll get to you today.
i promise.

to all the chocolate ice cream at the store:
why aren't you in my freezer?

to me:
remember to smile.

Friday, April 2, 2010

the two ♥s that i've never met

I'm kind of missing these two girls a lot right now.
And the funny thing is
i've never even met them.

The letters.
The chats.
The phone call.
It's like dancing in the street barefoot on the sunniest day known to man.

You two
I love you.

Thursday, April 1, 2010