Thursday, October 21, 2010

yes, i know.

I have been a turdy blogger lately.

Haven't had much to post on i guess.

right now. It's 12:22am and i am making cookies. Crazy me. I believe with all my [heart] baking is so much better in the middle of the night. Forever.

I have a whole list of things to do.
Packages to mail.
Details to work out.
Homework to do.
It can get overwhelming. o my.

Cookies are calling my name to come out of the oven.
Goodnight world.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

tired eyes

hello three o'clock in the morning.
i couldn't sleep last night.
it was atrocious.
so, i got up.
i put my grey turtle neck sweater on.
blared "The Fray" through some headphones.
finished my homework.
and tumblr[ed].

it turned out rather nice.

smashing day to you my dears.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

i dare say i didn't like you much today.

Today was melancholy.
And i'm glad it's over.


Friday, October 8, 2010



I would dance my bum off right in front of you
sing you happy birthday three times slow & one time fast
eat cinnamon rolls with you(even if they were burnt)

i love love love you one thousand times.
[p.s.- patricia will take pictures of you one of these days.]

i adore it

welcome to

i just bought a new lens.

he's gorgeous. i named it OSCAR.
is it bad i name all my lenses boys when my camera is a girl? how inappropriate. bahaha.

i'm happppppyyyyyy today.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

gardens grow on paper

I went babysitting tonight. Ahlee and i drew a garden picture together.
[p.s.- i liiiike how little children's brains work.]

It feels like it's the end of the week already. But really it's only tuesday. Goodness me.
[I think lots of naps are in order to get through the week. TRUE.]

And it's finally starting to feel like Fall. The first day. I bid summer a bittersweet goodbye.

Dear summer,
i bid you farewell.
i will miss you.
love, me.

Dear autumn,
i'm beginning to adore you.
i really think it's time for you and i to be friends.
love, me.

Hope life is joy to all you.