The past few days have been magnificent. Enjoying every moment.*smile*
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July 4th-I helped with the Splash-N-Dash. Pushing kayaks is quite fun. I also got a spiffy T-shirt for free. Then headed to Lala’s house. That was a.m.a.z.i.n.g. So so so amazing. We had a picnic. I dressed up in a toga with a leaf crown. That was just spiffy. Posing in the front yard…hehe…made me oh so happy. Watched my little siblings attack a PIÑATA. We went for a walk, which actually turned into a run. A very fast one at that! I got some very weird looks in my toga as i ran by some people. I made pudding and lit fireworks. I watched fireworks and ended up staring at the clouds instead. I was given a d.a.i.s.y.I wore pajamas to Safeway and danced to singing cards. I ran in the “in” door and out the “out” three times really fast. I slid down a hill on an iceblock.(that was until i had a wipe out.) I played P.I.T. and never won. Not even once. And then i went to sleep. Zzzzz…
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July 5th-I ate honey on bread with some pie for breakfast. I went to lovely church. I sang hymns. I walked home with my dear sisters. We were all in dandy summer dresses. We even got some compliments.(o: I drank some mint tea. I did part of a crossword puzzle.(”cow sound? It was “Moo”. Figured that out all by myself!) Then i went to a smashing little tea shop. Played some “Scrabble” and Cards. Went to some very spiffy book shops. The nicest man was there. He gave us a deal. I watched a movie and ate some pudding. And then i had to say goodbye.
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And Today(July 6th)-I went for a walk with my sisters(-one). We stopped at a thrift store and i bought some stuff for some special people. That’s all i can say for now. Stuff. *smile* I wanted to go to the Museum, but never did. I went to another thrift store and got a spiffy teapot. It’s amazing. Terribly amazing. I went cherry picking in town on the walk. Free cherries. Oh joy. That always makes me smile. We somehow came to meet our parents and little brother. He walked home with me hand in hand. ♥Sweetie.♥ And now i’m sitting writing all this jibber-jabber to you. Quite amusing.
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Me and my toga
:::My teapot:::
Happy day…Happy happy day!
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