Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Birthday...

{Like my new blog? It is oh so loverly. *smile* Thank you Laria.}

A wonderful week it has been.

My birthday was uhmazing thusfar! I smiled a whole lot that day. I woke up to a little bouquet on my pillow and a trail of flowers down the hall. What more could i ask for?! I even got an adorable little present hunt that Miss Bella put together. It made me happy. I have to say i got some very spiffy gifts.{including this blog} You'd be of them was a fairy crown. Makes me feel...fairy-ish.Of course. I wore it that day with my spiffy dress to the movies.
It turned out to be a very smashing day.
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And now i'm getting ready to start a brand new week, which is going to be fantastic.
Hope you have a swell day.

*and here's a little video for you*


  1. You have a great loverly indeed!

  2. You guys are so creative! I simply adore the hanging hearts, and the fairy crown. And a trail of flowers would be an exquisite way to start the day.

    Have a very bright, very cheerful day!
    Miss Eyebright

    Happy Belated Birthday!
