Wednesday, February 17, 2010

If Wednesday asked me to marry him i would.

I loved today.

The sweet parts. The sour parts. The sweet and sour parts. Mostly the sweet parts.♥

I wore a spring dress today. I told myself: "Spring will come faster if you dress for it." It just might work you know.

I went to "Straw Hat Pizza" for lunch with my family. I think i would go there every week if i could. I liked it...a lot. It made me feel happy cause it was so sunny inside. They had a tea machine and wonderful pudding. A lady even asked if my seesters and i were twins. It was amazing. Every part. I am going back, someday.

Goodwill and i met again. My favorite thing i founds was some amazing pink high heels{pictures will come.}. I promise.
We took a trip to Wall-y-mart too(i like that better than just wall-mart). Guess who now owns a jo bro bag? Yes, i do. Call me a dork, but i love it. You might just see me with it one day.*smile*

Hope you had a snazzy Wednesday.
Yours, MissTandy


  1. you make me smile dear.
    with every word.
    love you like the stars
